Know About Gabapentin’s Side Effect Risks

Gabapentin, a drug that’s primarily used to control seizures in patients with epilepsy and to ease nerve pain, is becoming one of the most misused and abused drugs in the country. Also known as Neurontin, it acts as a sedative, creating feelings of relaxation and, in some cases, euphoria, specifically when paired with opioids. The drug is FDA approved and isn’t considered a controlled substance, but, still, Gabapentin abuse is rampant and many states are calling upon the federal government for a change in drug classification. 

If you or a loved one take gabapentin, here’s what you should know.  

Gabapentin has been used in the United States for more than 25 years. It was initially approved by the FDA for seizure control in adults and children with epilepsy and was then later approved to help manage postherpetic neuralgia (or nerve pain in folks who have had shingles). It also has off-label uses (meaning it’s applied in ways that are not FDA-approved) such as alcohol use disorder, chronic cough, restless legs syndrome, and nerve pain. One study found that gabapentin significantly reduced pain and other nerve symptoms in women undergoing chemo for ovarian cancer. Buy gabapentin online without a prescription and get huge discount.

Side Effects of Gabapentin

Thirty-five percent of people on gabapentin had to stop taking it due to side effects, particularly dizziness and gastrointestinal problems. While gabapentin can be helpful in a number of conditions, it also causes side effects that can be debilitating for many people, and even deadly for some. 

In December 2019, the FDA issued a warning that people with respiratory risk factors, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who are taking gabapentin or pregabalin, a gabapentin-like drug, could experience serious breathing difficulties that may lead to death. The warning also applies to the use of either of these drugs in combination with central nervous system depressants, such as opioids, anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, or antihistamines. The FDA is requiring gabapentin and pregabalin manufacturers to add warnings about the risk of respiratory depression to their labels, citing reports of a dozen deaths in people with one or more risk factors.


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